Sunday 24 June 2007

Film- Bobby

One of those films with several storylines going on at once about characters who do need seem to be connected. Here, a hotel forms the backdrop to all the stories during the American vote of 1968, where Robert F. Kennedy is running for president. All the characters are dealing with difficult personal situations, until the assassination of Kennedy puts everything in perspective. The slow motion scene of the aftermath of the shooting is particularly effective, especially with Robert Kennedy's moving speech about inclusiveness and fighting opression in the background.
I found the film very poignant and the message about war (RFK was opposed to the war in Vietnam) is still relevant today. The soundtrack of emotive 1960's songs is also a big selling point- including Simon and Garfunkel, Smokey Robinson and Demi Moore as the alcoholic cabaret star singing 'Louie Louie'.

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