Monday 3 September 2007

Film- American Beauty

This film is not only visually stunning, it also has an amazing, original soundtrack and subject matter that is relevant to everybody. Throughout the film, the rose is used to great effect. The colour red signifies danger, blood and passion; everything lacking from the main character's (Lester) life. Below is a perfect example of it's use in a dream sequence, where a white bath full of red rose petals covers Lester's daughter's naked best friend. She is a forbidden pleasure- somewhat like the apple in the garden of eden (a red apple?).

Roses are also linked to beauty and perfection, which is why they are shown at the beginning with Lester's wife, Carolyn. They sum her up perfectly- beautiful to look at, but high maintenance and prickly beneath the beauty. Maybe the symolism is a little too blatant, but it does make for some very striking imagery.

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